Category: Uncategorized
Speculation by Edmund Jorgensen – A Review
admin / June 24, 2012
Edmund Jorgensen hits a home run with Speculation. Jorgensen' characters are well rounded, interesting and believable. His writing is well paced. He’s taken philosophy and made it an interesting read. And he makes you want to turn the page. But what makes Speculation perhaps most[..]
The Story Continues – Open Heart by Emlyn Chand
admin / May 25, 2012
Back in November I reviewed Emlyn Chand's first novel, Farsighted. Loved it. Chand opened my eyes to a genre that I had not previously considered in my zone of interest. That being Young Adult fiction. Since she nudged me towards these books, I have encountered[..]
Charlinder’s Walk by Alyson Miers – A Review
admin / May 24, 2012
The first thing you realize when you begin Charlinder's Walk by Alyson Miers is that 2012 was a bad year. In 2012 the world is/was(will be?) hit by the Plague, a catastrophe that kills, in short order, the majority of the world's population leaving only[..]
Beach House Memories by Mary Alice Monroe
admin / May 14, 2012
Mary Alice Monroe is no stranger to the South Carolina Lowcountry having regularly looked to the area as the setting for her novels. In Beach House Memories she not only returns to the area but she also turns back the clock more than a quarter[..]
The HOUSE of Order by John Paul Jaramillo – A Review
admin / April 20, 2012
I wasn't sure what to expect when I received my copy of The HOUSE of Order by John Paul Jaramillo. To be honest, as I always am when doing reviews, the image on the cover (the same one displayed to the left of this review)[..]
Generation by William Knight
admin / March 29, 2012
I've met Hendrix Harrison. In the event you’ve yet to meet him, I'd suggest you remedy that situation by reading Generation by William Knight. Harrison's a writer for Strange Phenomena, a magazine that keeps their readers in the know on ghosts, werewolves, conspiracies, bigfoot, and[..]
Inside Ring by Mike Lawson
admin / March 11, 2012
I read a lot. That being said one of the consequences is I get stagnant with what I have on the horizon for future reads. From time to time I'm lucky enough to find a new author. I consider myself extremely lucky if I happen[..]
Doxology by Brian Holers – A Review
admin / March 08, 2012
If I am being completely honest, which I generally prefer to be, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started Doxology by Brian Holers. Also being honest, while incredibly well written, the book started in an interesting fashion. It wasn’t slow, it wasn’t bad,[..]
Farsighted by Emlyn Chand – A Review
admin / November 18, 2011
I don't generally read the YA genre, but I've been expanding my reading list. With Farsighted by Emlyn Chand, I'm rather glad I did. The premise is straight forward. We have a sleepy mid-western town and in this town is a high school. Along with[..]
Blog Tour de Troops
admin / November 11, 2011
On Veteran's Day this year thanks to the Indie Book Collective our troops are going to reap the benefits. Scores of indie authors are donating ebooks for the troops. For every comment on each of the blogs the commenter will get a copy of that author's[..]