Month: April 2011
More Marketing – Book Events
admin / April 29, 2011
Book events are a great way to meet people interested in books. If you handle it correctly, after your event they’ll leave interested in your book. Or better yet they’ll leave with your book. However, there’s more to it than showing up with a pen[..]
A Creative Recharge
admin / April 25, 2011
I just got back from vacation, which is why I haven’t posted in a while. Quite wonderful, well except for the day one of the canines decided he wasn’t getting enough attention and had to go to the vet. After a 45-minute drive and an[..]
The King Whisperers by Kerwin Swint – A Review
admin / April 24, 2011
At its core The King Whisperers by Kerwin Swint is a study of the proverbial power behind the thrones of history. Swint takes the reader on a journey through history delving into events spanning thousands of years, exploring individuals who, in varying ways, helped establish,[..]
Review – Revenge by Mark Young
admin / April 11, 2011
From time to time I am reviewing books that I run across or that I have enjoyed. Today I am reviewing Revenge by Mark Young. I ran across Mark Young on Twitter @MarkYoungBooks and was happy to have had the opportunity to review Revenge.RevengeA Travis Mays NovelBy[..]
Even More Marketing
admin / April 08, 2011
I’ve decided I’m learning a tremendous amount about book marketing and apparently I feel the need to share. Two things make me think this. First, I’ve always been told you should learn from your mistake. I’m certain a ton of mistakes have originated with me[..]
For Your Consideration
admin / April 04, 2011
I love Law & Order. Really the whole franchise is excellent, but the original Law & Order is perhaps my favorite. I even have a favorite cast of characters during which I thought the show was at its peak. One of the characters I adore[..]
More Marketing – Going Old School
admin / April 01, 2011
These days thoughts of marketing are a near constant. My motto has become “Do more today because what you did yesterday wasn’t enough.” I’m always trying new thing, but recently I’ve been focusing on some old school methods. It is largely accepted our society is[..]