Category: Uncategorized
admin / January 25, 2011
So today started out pretty icky. It was cold. It started raining. It kept raining. In fact it is still raining. Then at one of my random breaks during the day, I decided to check Amazon and lo and behold there was the fruit of my[..]
Where is all of this going?
admin / January 22, 2011
Who knows is the short answer. I've been thinking about exactly how I want this blog to go. I've been wanting to start a blog for some time now and I certainly have a surplus of thoughts on a variety of issues. But I've been[..]
To Agent or not to Agent
admin / January 22, 2011
In the last couple of weeks since I started spreading the word my novel was to be published, I've had a lot of questions on how I managed to get an agent onboard with the book. Interesting tale I tell them.I had not one, not two,[..]
Character Research
admin / January 19, 2011
I was coming out of Court this week and ran into an attorney friend of mine who stopped to talk about The Trust. Prior to last week I hadn't told a lot of people about the book mainly because I was overly cautious, not wanting[..]
Kindle Nook and the slew of eBook Readers
admin / January 18, 2011
Seven years ago I started writing The Trust. When I finished it and was telling friends that I had written a book, one of my attorney friends ask, "Are you going to publish an eBook?" I answered with a simple, "No." What I really meant[..] is Up!
admin / January 16, 2011
Yesterday was a productive day, but one where I found myself somewhat out of my element. As many know, I am first and foremost a photographer - photography is something I have studied and have enjoyed doing for years. As a result of this, I[..]
The Trust First Blog
admin / January 15, 2011
This is my first post to The Trust Blog. As I am writing this, I find myself on the eve of the publication of my debut novel which is called (you guessed it) The Trust. It took a long time to get here. Nearly 6[..]